Product Description
Henri Cartier-Bresson, considered by many to be the father of photojournalism, said, "to take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart". Jodie Willard's photographs - intimate, resolute, provocative - are a product of that unique alignment and engage their viewer with a sense of urgency that cannot be ignored. The best of her shots have a kind of elegant, audible intensity that celebrates what it means to be alive or survive.
Trained as a disaster relief photographer working for numerous NGO's, Jodie's work has documented events in Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Oklahoma and New York City. Her shots have appeared extensively as a part of Direct Relief International's efforts. Also drawn to the natural world - Antarctica, Namibia and the South Pacific - her head-to-eye-to-heart coordination has produced images that sing and reel with empathy, humor, wonder and hope. Part ballad, part symphony, part blues and 100% heart. Jodie Willard's recent work in Cuba was the backdrop for our Spring 2014 catalog and can be seen throughout the issue.
More can be found on her website at
Jump Print - 8 1/2 x 11" or 16 x 24" - Limited, numbered prints, signed by the artist.