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All We Need Is A Place
Jazz Syndicate T-Shirt
$48 -
$1 - $50
As America’s very first Jazz Studies program (est. 1946) — and consistently one of the world’s finest music schools — the University of North Texas has amassed a treasure trove of jazz history over the decades.
The UNT Music Library’s Jazz Syndicate aims to make this material freely available to everybody. Forming a centralized online hub, the archive will connect scholars, musicians, and enthusiasts nationwide to an extensive array of media — from audio, film and video recordings to scores, still images, and texts.
You’ll find the Tim Owens Jazz & Broadcast Collection (including the Peabody Award-winning “Jazz Profiles” series), radio programs by Voice of America DJ Willis Conover, UNT college archives, and chart libraries from musicians like Mavnard Ferguson — just to name a few. To help the nonprofit Jazz Sundicate digitize and build this profoundly important resource, we’re giving 100% of the profits from the sales of our Jazz Syndicate T-shirt directly to the nonprofit UNT Music Library. Visit library.unt.edu/jazzsyndicate to check out Phase I of the archive.
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Jazz Syndicate T-Shirt